We were both so happy when Spring finally decided to arrive. When the sun rises, so does Paisley. She reminds me every morning why we are together: we are partners. Walking, jogging, hanging out enjoying the day. Perfect partners.
Paisley took over when Gracie the Wonderlab just could not keep the pace. At the tender age of 6 Gracie suffered two slipped discs in her lumbar spine. She recovered, but just can't put in the miles any more.She is my couch potato partner and loves it!
Paisley's choice is "Teagan's Park". The Conservation Group in our county purchased 600 or so acres for Boone Creek Conservation converting it into a walking path where at one time was a huge hunt club. Teagan claimed it as hers when she got to use the ridiculously huge scissors to cut the giant ribbon at the Grand Opening. The current path is a combination of limestone, wooded path and fields. If we do all sections it is a nice 3.5 miles door to door. Paisley asks to do it twice some days.
Stage 1: a gentle open limestone path. Easy breezy.
Stage 2: Decisions Decisions. Left or right. Left is a shorter, steeper climb to the fields. Right is a longer, windy gentle climb to the same field. Paisley usually chooses left. We like to attack our runs.
Stage 3: Fields! The promised land. an open, breezy, gentle hilly loop.
The smells of the run are intoxicating: Mulching leaves, dry grasses, wood chips, pine needles, pine cones, dirt and earthy, musky humus. These all begged to be worked into a new signature scent blend. I love scents with a story. I hope you do too.
Today's Unique Scent Blend: Paisley's Woods:
Aroma Haven Red Maple Leaf 1.5 parts
my Douglas Fir 1 part
my White Oak 1 part
my Spiced Wood 1 part
Brambleberry Dirt 1 part
Brambleberry Earth Musk 1 part
Sweetcakes Sweet Grass 1 part
The swirl colors I chose were all from TKB Trading: Copper Penny, Sparkle Gold and Espresso for swirls. Espresso is much more brown in real life, like a black brown cup of dark espresso coffee. You can't really see the depth and sparkle in the photos, but they are there, just like the glint in Miss Paisley's eye when you say the work "Walk".
I scented an 11 bar, 40 oz log at 5% PPO. That blend accelerated like Paisley - so apropos. Paisley goes from zero to sixty in the blink of an eye. I use a 40% lye solution, so mental note, this one will need a bit more. Plus, I'll probably pull out the lecithin trick if I love this one enough to make again. Temps were already nice and cool, so the Earth Musk just made the earth move, lol. In hindsight, I should have probably used a bit of Patchouli, but oh well. I bet this will make a spectacular candle scent.
Not quite sure what I will see when this one comes out of the mold tomorrow, but it will be something special no doubt. I'll give it a quick photo op when I cut it to share with you. When it's ready I'll list a few bars on one of my shops for you.